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I filmati cristiani di eVangelo

01) Guarigione da sordomutismo

di eVangelo
Trascritto da eVangelo

English words:

Here is a young man that is a deaf-mute. He has graduated from a high school in the west coast but nevertheless both of his ears are deaf. He's been deaf all his life. He writes on a piece of paper so people can know what he says. He’s been in the tent meeting night after night for weeks. How many people here know that he is a deaf-mute? Say "Amen" if you know it. (People say "Amen") He’s mingled in the camp. I met him in a restaurant last night and I talked to him again and again. But I talked to him on paper. I write, he reads it and he writes back. He’s a man that holds down a job. Washes automobiles, it’s about all he can do with his deafness. God’s going to open them both up tonight. How many people believe it? Mort (the name of the boy) has never heard in his life. This is your night. He can read my lips. This is your night, your night; He's going to open both ears. Do you believe it? (Boy says something) He believes it. I want everybody that believes in prayer raise their hands towards heaven. This is your night. You devil that binds this boy... I curse this deafness and I curse this dumbness. These ears must open. I feel it leaving, it’s coming out of the right ear right now. Open! (Boy screams) Hallelujah! I’m sorry. He says: "Oh!" Ah? Oh, yes! I'm sorry! I shouldn’t have said it too loud. Open! My Lord! They’re open! That’s all right boy, I won't do it any more. How many of you know God’s done something to this boy? Amen (to both ears) They’re open, do you know they’re open? I’m going to try first with this little whistle. Now I won’t blow it very loud. Praise the Lord? (Boy answers: "Praise the Lord") This is my watch. (Boy says click click) Click Click yeah! (Boy says tick tick tick tick) Tick tick tick. Everybody ought to raise their hands. We ought to praise God for this great victory. Everybody in this camp meeting has known for weeks. Everybody has prayed for this boy. Isn’t it wonderful? Didn’t I tell you Jesus was going to heal you? Now he’s going to have to learn how to talk. He’s learned how to read lips but he’s never heard anybody talk. Now you're going to talk. You're going to talk. We are going to start. Amen. Amen. (Boy repeats) Not bad for the first time. Amen. (Boy repeats) One, two, three, four. (Boy repeats) Are you hearing? You're hearing? Glory to God! Amen? Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Boy repeats) That isn’t bad. He’s going to talk now. He’s been writing on paper for too long. Now this is hard for anybody to say: Hallelujah (Boy repeats) Take your time. Hallelujah! (Boy repeats) That's good! He’s doing beautifully. Praise God! (Boy repeats) Now all he needs now is some instruction. Come and take your boy (to father) Amen. Teach him to talk.

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Data: 13/03/2007
Visite: 9726

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